New outreach service

Ipswich DAB serves an area that as well as the Borough of Ipswich, covers Kesgrave and south Suffolk from Shotley westwards to Hadleigh. NEW OUTREACH SERVICE STARTING ON 28TH MARCH 2013, THE SESSIONS WILL BE HELD EVERY THURSDAY 10am to 4pm AT BRANTHAM LEISURE CENTRE, NEW VILLAGE, BRANTHAM, CO11 1RZ.  TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT PHONE IPSWICH DAB ON 01473 217313, this will make it easier, and less costly, for clients in south Suffolk to access our services.

The outreach has been made possible by a grant from the Facilitation Fund managed by the Cabinet Office for Disability Issues as well as support from the Lord Belstead Charitable Trust, the Scarfe Fund and Somersham and East Bergholt Parish Councils. We currently have funding for just over a year and continued funding beyond that period will depend on level of usage.