The Ipswich Disabled Advice Bureau

Hello – from everyone at Ipswich Disabled Advice Bureau.
We hope that you are all keeping well.

We have set up a crowd funding page supported by the Aviva Community Fund because of additional work associated with the increasing cost of living. You can help us to reach our target by telling lots of other people about our crowd funding page and sending them the link for contributions:-

Ipswich Disabled Advice Bureau remains closed as it is too small to be Covid-19 safe. However, we are able to provide our usual services via telephone, email and video links.

Do you have a problem or question?
Need some advice or help?

Phone: 01473 217313 and leave a message on our answerphone.
Email: include a phone number in your email.

Are all of our usual services available?

Yes – except for home visiting and wheelchair hire – we continue to:-

  • Provide advice and information about welfare benefit entitlement including Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Attendance Allowance, Carer’s Allowance, Council Tax Reduction and Discretionary Housing Payment etc.
  • Assisting with the completion of claim forms, for benefits and pensions including those that now have to be completed online; but also for Blue Badges, bus passes etc.
  • Providing representation for clients that want to challenge benefit decisions.
  • Employment issues – includes the ‘claimant commitment’ for disabled jobseekers.
  • Special educational needs – including support for adults with dyslexia.
  • Referrals for help with care, aids and adaptions, housing, debt and money advice.
  • – but there are some new services………

  • Discuss cost of living issues, including explaining support for energy costs and ideas for saving energy and getting help during power cuts
  • .

  • Learning how to use the internet and email, in a ‘Warm Room’ this winter.

Also, we can now offer all of our services in English, Polish and Romanian:-

Jeśli język polski jest Twoim głównym językiem i potrzebujesz naszej pomocy, możemy ułatwić kontakt z naszym biurem. Aktualnie zatrudniamy polskojęzycznego doradcę.

Daca limba Romana este prima ta limba si ai nevoie de ajutor sa ne contactezi, de acum o poti face mai usor. Avem disponibilitatea unei persoane vorbitoare de limba Romana pentru a veni in sprijinul tau.

How you help us to help you?

Our bank details for donations:- 08-92-99 6588937650

We have set up a crowd funding page supported by the Aviva Community Fund because of additional work associated with the increasing cost of living. You can help us to reach our target by telling lots of other people about our crowd funding page and sending them the link for contributions:-